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5 Benefits of Hiring a Property Management Company in Houston, TX

How many of your Houston, TX rental properties are currently sitting vacant? The rental vacancy rate in the US increased to nearly 6.5%. As your properties sit vacant, you'll start losing money.

Before that happens, consider hiring an experienced property management company. The best Houston property managers can help you find tenants, boosting your occupancy rate. Discover the benefits of hiring a property management company today!

1. Marketing Help

The most experienced property management team will help you develop an effective marketing strategy. A digital marketing strategy will help more Houston renters find your available units online. To appear on multiple marketing channels, your strategy should include:

  • Content creation
  • Email marketing
  • Search engine optimization
  • Paid advertising
  • Social media marketing

It can take months before you create effective campaigns that generate results, especially if you lack experience. During that time, you could miss the chance to attract renters to your properties.

Hiring a property management team will help you develop effective campaigns from the start. Their marketing help will ensure you maximize your reach online. Appearing in front of more Houston renters will expand your tenant pool.

2. Screen Tenants

Once you find tenants online and begin generating applications, it's essential to screen tenants. Otherwise, you could end up with renters who:

  • Upset neighbors
  • Cause property damage
  • Pay rent late

Over five million US households are behind on rent (with an average arrears of over $2,000). Neglecting to screen applicants could put you in a stressful situation.

Hire a property management firm that already has a tenant screening process in place. Ask about the information they gather in each report. For example, they may provide employment verification, credit checks, and criminal background checks.

These reports will help you avoid problematic renters. You can feel confident choosing reliable individuals you want to retain as tenants long-term.

3. Manage Tenants

The best property managers will manage tenants on your behalf. They'll respond to tenant inquiries without delay. Ensuring tenants receive the help they need can boost satisfaction rates.

Happy tenants are more likely to renew their leases. Increasing lease renewals can benefit your ROI and occupancy rate.

4. Rent Collection

Look for a property management company that uses state-of-the-art technology to streamline processes. For example, they can simplify your rent collection process using an online tenant portal. Collecting rent online can help you avoid late payments.

5. Peace of Mind

Hiring an experienced property management company will give you peace of mind. Their range of services can help you avoid stressful situations in the future.

For example, they can help you remain compliant with local laws and regulations. Their expertise can help you avoid a fine or legal issues.

Hire a Houston Property Management Company

You don't have to manage your Houston properties alone. Instead, consider the benefits of hiring a property management company. Leveraging their experience and expertise can help you succeed in the local real estate industry!

Need immediate help with your Houston properties? Look no further than Precision Realty & Management. We've been a leading Houston property management company since 1989.

Our family-owned and operated business can help you maximize your Houston rental's earning potential. Contact us today to benefit from our services firsthand!
